11 February 2025

Through the barricades

We've had another milestone in our family recently. My daughter has started Middle School. It would be like a rite of passage for her; gone are the carefree Prep School days. I am confident though that, like his older brother, she will do well.

One thing I am thankful for is that they did not inherit my loner attitude. Frankly, I do not like going out of my way to do or go to just about anything. If you look at our wall full of photos out and about with friends, you'd think I'm a carefree, outgoing kind of guy. Well I'm not. Sure, I do enjoy my time with close friends, and I do appreciate the fact that they keep up with my oddness. But beyond my close set of friends I find it difficult to maintain some semblance of kinship. I like a quiet existence. 

It has its disadvantages though. This reminds me of a time in my high school days when I let an opportunity pass me by. The school was hosting a Spelling Bee contest. I knew I can do well but didn't sign up. I was content to see how it all panned out as an onlooker. After the last word was spelled out, I knew could have easily gotten second or third place. Regret? I did feel tinge. But whatever will be, will be.

Be it in my personal life or at work, I would rather have my work speak for itself. Which is a bit of a challenge in most places where (based on personal experience) being vocal and fluent is highly desired. Yes, highly desired, but you know how a container with a handful of stones produces a loud noise when you shake it? Sometimes there's just a handful of stones in there. But enough about me.

My two kids have a sort of quiet confidence in them. They never fail to amaze me. I'm soooo proud to be their dad. They have accomplished much compared to how I was in this same age and I would like to support them as much as I can.

Which, going back to old loner me, can be quite a challenge. But, for as long as there is a photo op, I will keep smiling for them.

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