
08 June 2020

Level 1 tomorrow!

Today is an unprecedented time. We're supposed to be on Level 2 for a couple more weeks, but with the last COVID-19 case in the hospital recovering today and with zero new cases, the country has been declared COVID-19 free! We are now moving to Level 1 at midnight tonight.

What does this mean for us? No more social distancing, though it still pays to record where you go (the app is still being advertised). No more limit to gatherings, so that means church and church group activities can resume, and sports and concerts and lots of other similar activities can jumpstart.

In only a few hours, we will be at Level 1. I'm supposed to be working from home this week, but I have a meeting tomorrow so I'm reporting to the office. It might well likely be that I'll be continuing to work at the office for the rest of the week and beyond. I did enjoy working from home though, and since I already have a set-up for that, I might try to ask if I can spend some days working from home. I personally think it worked quite well.

The country's borders will still be closed though and those arriving from overseas will still be required to isolate for 14 days. There might be a trans-Tasman bubble in the works, but there's no concrete announcement about that yet. In the meantime, yay for this major feat!