
07 April 2020

Day 13 of lockdown due to COVID-19

A glimmer of hope today - 54 new coronavirus cases, total 1160. This is a drop in daily new cases. But we have to soldier on if we are to sustain this.

While the vast majority are heeding the Level 4 lockdown rules, a few are not so cooperative. This is even more emphasized when the lawmaker becomes the lawbreaker. Just as the Philippines has Koko Pimentel who visited Makati Medical Centre while exhibiting symptoms and later tested positive, we have Health Minister David Clark breaching the Level 4 lockdown here in New Zealand.

Personally, I do not find lockdown and basically being told to stay at home bothersome. As my close friends know, I'm an introvert. I would prefer staying at home than going out. Case in point: In the more than 10 years we've been here in New Zealand, I've only been to less than 10 pubs with less than a total of 20 visits. I've only been to a dozen or so restaurants. When I get together with friends, I prefer going to their home, or host them ourselves, to lessen crowd interaction. I can be the most socially awkward person there is. The last time I emceed a Christmas party with a friend, it took me two days to recover from the sheer exhaustion.

It's also relatively quiet here at home, with the family giving me space to work. But at the same time we interact during stretch and lunch breaks.

Sometimes though, life throws a spanner in the works and you just have to deal with it. Which is why I sometimes amaze myself when I handle things I normally would not do. I've lived a lifetime of experiences that have challenged me in a lot of ways, and I think that, inspite of other people telling you what they think you ought to be, you should learn to accept yourself, your limitations and your capabilities.

I think this is one of the more important lessons I've learned during this lockdown.

And what motivates me to go beyond what I would normally do? I think it's the bonds of friendship I have forged, the respect I have for other people, and that Someone up there has given me worthwhile endeavours to work on.

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