Frithia Pulchra
There's this group of cacti which prefer to lie low on the ground and disguise themselves so as not to be seen by plant-eaters. I'd like to have some Lithops, but have not seen one yet. In the meantime, I have the split rock cactus (previous blog post) and the frithia pulchra. At the end of each tubular leaf is a 'window'; I suspect that in the wild this helps them blend in.
24 June 2015
04 June 2015
The cactaholic
I guess it just starts with one, which gets followed up by another, then another, and before you know it you're hooked. Collecting cacti and succulents, that is. I am no stranger to gardening, though. Back in college, my friends and I worked part-time at the Library and growing african violets by the windowsill was a favourite occupation amongst the Librarians. We brought home leaf cuttings and soon we were cultivating other plants and frequented the Orchidarium to feed this latest obsession. I had a number of bonsai that I was quite proud of.
So growing cacti and succulents isn't really a new thing for me. Even better, these plants are more forgiving and require less care so it's easy to become enamoured and attracted to collecting these.
As of last count, I have around 35 different kinds. I will feature them all on this blog in batches. And here's the first set.
Astrphytum ornatum var. marbellii
I was attracted to this cactus by its symmetrical, twisting shape. Only in cacti can you find such amazing living sculptures.
So growing cacti and succulents isn't really a new thing for me. Even better, these plants are more forgiving and require less care so it's easy to become enamoured and attracted to collecting these.
As of last count, I have around 35 different kinds. I will feature them all on this blog in batches. And here's the first set.
Astrphytum ornatum var. marbellii
I was attracted to this cactus by its symmetrical, twisting shape. Only in cacti can you find such amazing living sculptures.