
09 September 2014

Happy 10.16th Anniversary (to me!)

This is quite a momentous occasion because it's been ten years since I started blogging!  Well, ten years and 2 months give or take a few days in this case.  Exactly a month after my 10th (my first post got published on 7th July) I said I was going to celebrate.  Nothing fancy, just a couple of beers perhaps, and post a photo for posterity's sake.  And then time just flew, and before I know it, 2 months has passed.  Hence I'm writing this post to remind myself that a celebration is way overdue!  I have a couple of Guiness bottles in the ref, so this makes my weekend celebration more likely to happen.

But in case you're also wondering why it sounds like a bit of a quiet celebration, that's because it feels bittersweet.  In the 90s (wow, that was a decade ago) - the heyday of blogging - it was so much fun writing about anything under the sun.  I made lots of online friends.  We bloghopped and left comments left and right.  When we met in person for the first time, it was like we've known each other for a long, long time.

Ten years later, most of my friends have ceased blogging (though we're still keeping in touch via Facebook), and while I did blog mostly for myself, the online company was really great.

Admittedly I haven't blogging a lot lately too, but I'm not throwing the towel just yet.  I'm just having a hiatus of sorts.  By the way, did I mention I'm on Twitter?

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