
26 November 2013

A worthwhile endeavour

As with a lot of people all over the world, we also felt that we needed to do something as news of the devastation from the typhoon in the Philippines trickled in.  We started to think of ways to fundraise, and finally decided on a Garage Sale, with request for donations of baked goods.

As news of the project gained momentum, people started dropping off goods.  From company announcements to social media alerts, the message made its way around, and friends and strangers started pitching in.

The group made its way to the Garage last Wednesday to help with sorting, then followed it up the day before the event.  It was hard work, but it was fun too.

The reception this activity received on Saturday was just amazing.  We had people buying a small item and refusing their change.  Some tried to buy as much as they can.  Still, others simply went there to donate cash.  Many lingered and chatted while enjoying the baked goods, pan de sal and arroz caldo for brunch.

We raised around $1,500.00 from this event, with donations by electronic banking still ongoing til this Friday.  The group will endeavour to make every cent count and get the money sent directly to the beneficiary (which is currently under discussion).

Maraming salamat po (thank you very much) for everyone who supported this project!

If you would like to contribute to this activity, please visit the BarkadahaNZ website.

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