
16 August 2011

Day 3 of Snow in Wellington

I was at the bus stop with a couple of commuters waiting for our ride and we were doing small talk when a Metlink car arrived and informed us that the bus was not arriving because the roads were slippery.  Dangerous for hilly areas like ours (or on any area for that matter, come to think of it).  The other option for us was to walk down to the mall and wait for any other buses at the stop.  I remembered though how slippery the road was when I walked to the stop, and I was not about to start a longer walk with my office shoes on (which was a bad idea I guess, but I had a meeting to go to).  I did not want to take my chances that morning and the weather forecast was glum for the rest of the day, so I decided to just go home and take the day off.  Or rather, do some work at home.  So I cancelled my meeting and got some stuff done for the office.

By noon, the sun was quite high and the warmth was melting the snow away.  So we went out for a bit and had some more photos with our favourite snowman.  Even Christine was able to have her photo taken with us!

Later in the afternoon, Jo-Lo and I went our for a short walk and see how things are thawing out.  We saw some of our Snowman's kin and Jo-Lo had his photo taken with them.

And look!  Another Snowman dropped by the house for a quick visit!
So that was it... it's been a great run.


Spoke too soon.  Snow started drifting back later in the afternoon.

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