
12 July 2011

A weekend trek

Last Sunday was turning out to be a fine day, one of the rare sunny afternoons in this winter season.  Russell's Dad (Russell is Jo-Lo's classmate) phoned and wondered if we were interested to go on an afternoon tramp. It's been a while since we climbed the mountain in our "backyard" and it's either that or a video game afternoon; we needed the exercise anyway so off we went to Mt KauKau!

The first stop after a 20-minute walk to the trek entrance

The walk is about 1 hour 5 minutes long to the top.

These stairs are really a great help when the path goes up the mountain.  This means kids can also enjoy the walk relatively safely.

Second stop

There's a tunnel along the way but there's no time to explore as the day is rather short at winter time.

The tower is in view; we are near the top!

Half an hour to go!

The third stop

Almost there

Nearly there

We made it!  An awesome view of the city and the ocean beyond

We took another, more scenic route on the way back.  It takes around an hour just the same.

The wind was getting stronger and it was colder by the time we were able to finish the trek.

Good job, Russell and Jo-Lo!

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