
30 May 2010

For Filipinos seeking assistance in Wellington

Filipino migrants were hardest hit in the recession here in New Zealand, when jobs became scarce and Filipinos who entered the country under the Work to Residence scheme found it very difficult to land a job that can earn them Permanent Residency.  Changes in the skilled job category also became a challenge for Filipinos who have been in the country for a number of years to find their work visa revoked.

In case you or you or a fellow Filipino you know is currently in dire straits, the KASAGIP Charitable Trust might be able to help.

The trust provides these services:
  • Provide short term assistance to cover immediate basic needs (e.g. food, clothing, and other identified needs)
  • Act as a "transition provider" until long term or other forms of assistance is established by the appropriate government institution
  • Acts as a liaison or link to other support providers who can provide more assistance depending on the identified need.

    Appeal for donated goods for Garage Sale
    The KASAGIP Charitable Trust quarterly garage sale is set this coming 26 June 2010. So once again, we want to inform our supportive kababayans in Wellington that we are accepting items you are no longer using and might be still useful to others.

    We appreciate donations of household items, clothing, small furniture, electrical appliances and others which are still in good condition and good for our garage sale in support of our Trust’s operations. Money that will be pulled together will add on to the funds that will augment our admininistration costs and other activities.

    Kindly drop your donations at the following drop off points:
    1. 30 Palmer Crescent Heretaunga Upper Hutt – Mayette / Allan
    2. 21 Argyle Groove , Trentham – Mimi / Jarvis
    3. 724 Ferguson Drive ( front house ) – Rachel Pointon
    Kindly arrange with us for any pick up requirements. Alternately, you can contact us through our KASAGIP hotline and leave your message
    with this phone number -528 5238 or email:

    We welcome and appreciate fast moving items to be donated.

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