
26 March 2007

The Philippine Military Academy

The Philippine Military Academy (or PMA) has been in existence for over a hundred years now. It is the prime education center for those who aspire to serve the country as military personnel.

Its location in Baguio City make it also a popular tourist spot. A leisurely walk around the campus reveals breathtaking scenery and beautiful flowers.

This wide expanse is the place where the commencement exercises are held. It is televised over the local broadcast stations, and is expectedly attended by high-ranking military personnel.

A glorious day at the grounds. We were actually here for my wife's Family Day at school. I had to fall in line for our lunch food and stayed under the sun for 15-20 minutes, imagining how it's like for the cadets to stand for hours in similar weather. Guess what. I got sunburned! Surprise surprise. There are grounded planes, cannons, and tanks on display. They are popular photo-op areas.

There's a regular jeepney transportation to and from PMA (the terminal is at Burnham Park near Hotel Veniz). It takes under half an hour to get there, and the travel takes you through roads bordered with pine trees on both sides (this is the American Embrassy / Voice of America area). Beautiful.


  1. I had always wanted to check out this place every time I was in Baguio, but somehow would never make it.

    On of these days ...

    Great shots!

  2. Hi Watson. I've never been there that's why I appreciate the nice tour on your blog. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.

  3. Anonymous2:29 am

    Ang ganda talaga ng Baguio. I heard babae ang valedictorian nila sa PMA last graduation.

  4. it's been a long time that I visited PMA and then we were in a hurry to finish the city tour.

    One cousin (twice removed) graduated from PMA. ayun isa raw sa mga corrupt na general according to my brother. Pity. I am disowning him. Tsee

  5. Anonymous6:43 am

    My mother-in-law works at PMA so I have had many chances to visit the place. It still makes me nervous everytime I go through the main gate though. The guards all tense up at a white guy in a jeepney. Fortunately, all I have to do is say my mother-in-law's name and they immediately give me first class treatment. It helps that my mother-in-law works personally with the top generals that work there.

  6. Senor enrique: This is a really nice place to visit. Hope you can drop by one time.

    Rach: you're welcome!

    Ann: Korek! Korek ulit!

    Cathy: Talaga!? General problem ba? hehehe

    Ed: Oh yes I rmember your story about that in your blog. I should have remembered to ask around about you! :-)

  7. I remember PMA..I think I attended dances there before. Ganda pa rin.

  8. Anonymous1:00 am

    i've been to PMA.. its a very nice place.. I actually wanted to enter the academy but i wasn't able to take the entrance exams.. I know life there is not easy- well thats what my Ayer friends said to me.. I believe them.. the discipline & stuff, i know its very difficult.. that's why I salute those men & women.. they are heroes!! Way to go Ayers..

  9. I've been to PMA.. its a very nice place.. Actually I wanted to enter the academy but i wasn't able to take the PMAEE.. my Ayer friends told that life there is not easy but despite the hardships, its also a lot of fun.. to the cadets & cadettes, I salute all of you.. you are heroes..

  10. Anonymous6:55 pm

    Hello! This may be a shot in the dark, but did you know someone in your class by the name of Stephen Fernan?
    Its been years and I wanted to know if someone would know where he is now. Last time I saw him was in 1990 when they graduated.
    Any information is greatly appreciated!

  11. Leah: Wow talaga? Pumupunta lang kami dun para mamasyal

    Mhel: Believe it or not, I also seriously considered entering PMA. But TV got the better part of me and I entered a career involving computers :-)

    Pinky: So sorry I am not able to help you with your search... I do not know of any person named Fernan...

  12. am planning to take the '09 pmaee.. starting to review na actually..but am confuse cause some people claimed that an average kid can ace it,others say its more difficult than a bar.. hehe..any idea though?

  13. kakabahan ako when am thinking of it,,,madalas pag nag jojogging ako.. but i always come up saying na i have to do it.. ill make sure that hindi lang ako trained for fighting but trained to make difference.. hoo-ah!~ roFL

  14. Kaya yun ng taong prepared. So prepare your body and mind for the challenges ahead. Go for it, Bryan!

  15. Anonymous12:56 am

    Pinky La Guardia said...
    Hello! This may be a shot in the dark, but did you know someone in your class by the name of Stephen Fernan?
    Its been years and I wanted to know if someone would know where he is now. Last time I saw him was in 1990 when they graduated.
    Any information is greatly appreciated!

    6:55 PM

    >>>TO Pinky La Guardia:
    why are you looking for him? he's my cousin.....

  16. thanks watson.. i just cant understand.. do you admire people in uniforms..i mean those people like soldiers? my God,,,5 months n lang eexam n ako..then i have to leave my life as an engineer.. maw masaya ako sa pagigng sundalo....thenks watson..i promise.. i'll pass it..look for the next year's succesful applicant.. ill be there..all i have to do is review and practice/exercise...!!! hoo ah!! be in touch watson!! :)

  17. Anonymous: better get in touch with Pinky... although I do not have her contact info also...

    BryaN: Eh? I'm not sure understand your comment. But good luck anyways.

  18. ***comment pala..dilim kasi d2.. hahaha,,

  19. hi nick.... dr.. watson!!! :)

    elow.. i passed pmaee.... hope to see u there...

  20. i am aspiring to be a pma cadet. .am i qualified to take the pmaee even if i currently studying????please help me. . .

  21. Jerome: visit this page:
