
13 January 2006

My 2006 goals

I'm back! Missed blogging for more than a week. I was in Baguio since Sunday last until yesterday, Thursday taking care of sick Jo-Lo. Must be the weather, which dipped to a reported 11 degrees centigrade. It was so cold that at 8:00 in the morning yesterday, I stepped out of the house and was surprised that my breath was still creating wisps of fog in the cold January air.

So I stayed at home with the baby for a week with no internet access. Fed him his cereals and milk, changed his diapers, gave his medication, put him to bed, briefly stayed out for his dose of sunshine, played when he is awake, watched TV while he slept. My babysitting week was slightly jolted only when we had an intensity 3 earthquake last Wednesday. It lasted only for a very short while but we were having dinner then and some dinnerware moved and we felt it. Earthquakes are of course, not to be taken lightly.

Jo-Lo is a bit better now, though I left him still with colds and flu. His new nanny arrived so I was able to return to Manila to work.

I haven't done my New Year's list of goals and resolutions yet, so here goes...
1. Clean up house. Start with the load of "flotsam and jetsam" under the stairs at the ground floor of the apartment.
2. Regularly visit the gym. This I have started already, though I had a little hiccup in the sched the past 2 weeks.
3. Cut down on my credit card debts. Eracidcate my debt will be the ultimate.
4. Save.
5. Volunteer my time at a charitable organization. I was a volunteer teacher a couple of years back, would like to do something like that again.
6. Diet. (wishiiing)

I will put these up in my account at 43things so I can monitor my progress. Sign-in for a free account too and list down your goals! I'll do this tomorrow.

Oh yes. For my final resolution, don't procrastinate. :-)


  1. Anonymous2:43 am

    Good luck with the goals. Madali lang naman mag-fulfill ng goals basta pursigido tayo eh...

    *trying to convince myself*

    Hehehe. Goal ko rin kasi is to exercise more and diet. Nyenyenye.

    Btw, imbis na diet, use nalang the term "eat right" :D Diba mas encouraging?

  2. Anonymous9:18 pm

    hi sir nick, i want to volunteer my time also at any charitable institutions this year. meron po ba kayong list of institutions na puwedeng makapagvolunteer? thanks.

  3. diet-shmiet. want me to help you with that goal? i gained another 5lbs after the holidays.. ugh! but i do hope you accomplish all your goals, watson

  4. Hello Aki! I once volunteered as a teacher at Pugad, an insitution within Don Bosco Makati for street children. I plan check out Virlani Foundation this time around, but I haven't got their contact number and address yet, though I know they are also based in Makati.

    Hi Dessagirl! Sige let's help each other. Wait... kanina lang sa Glorietta ka ulit nag-lunch ah. :-)

  5. I still haven't done my goals for this year. I don't do resolutions because goals seem more positive and achievable.
    Happy new year Nick!
